Contacts and info

Arnolfo Restaurant
Viale della Rimembranza n 24
53034 Colle di Val d’Elsa (Siena)
+39 0577920549


Opening days and times

The restaurant is closed Tuesday and Wednesday.
(From January 23, 2024, until March 21, 2024, the restaurant will be closed every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
Lunch from 13 pm to 2:30 pm
Dinner from 8 pm to 10:30 pm

Annual closures:
November 19th, 2024 - December 4th, 2024

Where is Arnolfo?

Viale della Rimembranza n 24
53034 Colle di Val d’Elsa (Siena)

View on Google Maps

Does the restaurant have a dress code?

We don’t have a strict dress code, we ask you kindly to not wear open shoes (for men).

Reservation for children and infants

Children up to 6 years old are welcome in our dining rooms; for the younger ones, Arnolfo’s Restaurant has a compulsory babysitting service in a private room. The babysitting rate is 20 Euro/h. If you need any further information please contact us at

In case you are travelling with a dog

Dogs are not admitted in our dining room so Arnolfo Restaurant guarantees a dog sitting Service. The dog sitting rate is 20 Euro/h. If you need any further information please contact us at


Arnolfo has 4 charming room with panoramic view

In the case of allergies or intolerances?

Definitely. We ask you kindly to tell us your allergies during the reservation.

Posso regalare un pranzo o una cena?

Certamente, qui trovi varie soluzioni di pacchetti regalo.